Tutto Food 2021 Milano

In all these months, so difficult and complicated, the new technologies have certainly helped us to shorten the distance and not to lose both personal and business contacts.

Now, that the epidemiological situation seems to be under control, we are delighted to be able to take part in the next edition of Tutto Food, scheduled in Milan from 22 to 26 October.

There is a great desire to welcome old and new friends who, we hope, will come to greet us at our stand, and we are impatient to tell them all about the many Soavegel news and plans for the future.

To celebrate our return to the Fair, in this edition we have decided to considerably increase the size of the stand, with the aim of recreating the atmosphere of an Apulian village in celebration, with the now famous Ape Hour.

We are waiting for you!

Hall 10 – Stand D47 D53 E46 E52